Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Josh Hartnett is in Philippines

Hollywood star Josh Hartnett has arrived in Philippines to shoot his latest movie entitled "I Come With the Rain," which was produced by Central Films and directed by Vietnam's Tran Anh Hung, whose "The Scent of Green Papaya" was nominated for an Oscar Best Foreign Language Film in 1994.

"I Come With the Rain," is his latest upcoming movie which is produced by Central Films and is directed by Vietnam's Tran Anh Hung, whose "The Scent of Green Papaya" was nominated for an Oscar Best Foreign Language Film in 1994.

Filipino filmmaker Maryo J. de los Reyes, had confirmed that several Filipino actresses are playing support characters, like sexy star Thea Aquino, who auditioned and won the role of a stripper. I've seen her in the news and it good role for her...LOL

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